Friday, November 20, 2009

Tournament Rules

Since we now do tournaments, I believe it is time to make some rules =)
1. FD is not the only neutral map, so I believe we should do random map selection with all the neutral maps.
2. The time limit, the first tournament IVAN won in sudden death, to ensure that doesn't happen again.
  • For 3 stock, time limit should be 7 minutes
  • For 2 stock, time limit should be 4 minutes
 3. Players that leave in the middle of the tournament will automatically forfeit.  This is happens in the final match, that player will not recieve any points.
4. Kirby-cide and Bowser's Suicide Claw, if the match ends in sudden death, the win goes to Kirby or Bowser.
5. NO STALLING (Now that the time issue has been resolved there should be no excuse to stall)

These are the basic rules.


  1. Oh WTF!, I thought these were tourneys for s&g's.
    I gave up doing smash bros tourneys after Melee. I thought people played this because we couldn't play Melee so I've never taken it seriously.
    I don't mind playing but you count me out on the score board.

    --Joos! (Marth/Lucas/Gannon/Random)

  2. Well, it is just meant to see who the best is at state, it is not super competitive. lol

  3. so if i kirby cide and both players die going to sudden death that means i won automatically right?
    Also wat about the tag team matches

  4. Yes...this way we prevent cheap wins in SD. Also for tag teams, we will have to do that in the free-for-all setting because I do not think we can do team in tournament. And we will have to have already formed teams for it to work.

  5. Ya.... about Kirby-cide... isn't a cheap kill in itself? Oh well, I'll just "refrain" from using it >,<. But thanks for putting all this up.


  6. Another thing to keep in mind: we need a rule about spammers!
    Maybe a limit on it or something?
